House of Sacrifice Church, Inc.

House of Sacrifice Church, Inc. House of Sacrifice Church, Inc. House of Sacrifice Church, Inc.


Schedule of Services, Directions, Calendar of Events 

HSC Community Outreach

What is HSC Community Outreach?
HSC Community Outreach is a group of programs organized and devoted to helping dults improve their way of living.  The programs assist all who are in need of help, regardless of race, religion, physical or mental disability.

Mission Statement
Helping people live life better today.

The Response
Our community outreach workers respond to calls/referrals regarding people in need.  We provide those in need with the information/materials they are seeking.  If we are unable to assist them, we refer them to a source to meet their immediate concerns.

Food and Clothing Program
HSC Community Outreach distributes food/clothing to families and individuals. People contact us to acquire food/clothing.  There are special efforts during the holiday seasons to provide coats, hats, and gloves to young children during the blistering winter months.

Homeless Program

This program provides coats and blankets to nomad individuals who do not have a permanent place of residency.

Counseling Program

HSC, Inc. offers Christian counseling on a regular basis.  Anyone may call when they are in need of counseling.  The Pastor and/or Assistant Pastor render confidential counseling.  There is no fee for services.  Just call 414-372-9199.

Vounteer, Litereacy Program & Senior Citizen Program

The community workers assisting our outreach efforts are volunteers, members, and non-members with a common goal of helping others.  Volunteers operate  a Literacy Program teaching individuals to read and improve skills.

The Senior Citizen Program involves visiting and spending quality time with the elderly through activities such as singing, reading, prayer, etc.
